2016年12月5日、中谷良子 「アメリカにはCIAをはじめとする多数の情報機関があるので私がこのようなメッセージを送らなく
発言内容 | アメリカにはCIAをはじめとする多数の情報機関があるので私がこのようなメッセージを送らなくとも既にご存知だとは思うのですが反日勢力の実態を知っていただきたいという執念でトランプ氏にメッセージを送りました。一部を載せます。和訳は最後に載せています。
Dear Mr.Donald Trump. Nice to meet you.Congratulations to Next President. I want you to show this. As a citizen of Japan who cannot bear the crisis which Japan now faces, I am speaking out about the facts I wish you to know, in order to help strengthen our amicable future relations. This is no mere conspiracy theory. The other day, the Canada-Israel Friendship Association criticized the civic groups of China and South Korea, which had applied for UNESCO World Heritage registration, by pointing out that "the Cultural Revolution was more disastrous". With regard to the comfort women issue, their opinion letter says UNESCO has become a political tool of some member countries, and pointed out that the claims regarding "sex slaves" and "200,000 comfort women" are groundless. Because the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan likes to keep matters secret, falls easily for honey traps, is incompetent and cowardly, and is not skilled in information warfare, Japan has to date repeatedly made apologies to South Korea, China and North Korea for crimes which didn't occurred, in attempts to try and settle matters peacefully, even when the latter have made up war crimes that never happened. However, this has provoked anger among the older generation who know the truth, and the people of Japan who have kept quiet until now are starting to lose patience. In the wake of President Trump assuming office, presidential elections will take place in European countries, and Japan is also paying close attention to the leaps forward that far-right political parties are making. This is not only an issue for the United States and EU countries. After the defeat in the War, Japan had its land stolen away, and was cheated and hurt by illegal Korean immigrants from the Korean Peninsula. They use Japanese names, and pose as Japanese in order to deeply invade the judiciary, local government, educational bodies, labor unions, businesses, the media and public discourse, upsetting Japanese people's lives, education and judicial system. In the United States and Europe, people have different faces and skin colors, and so it is easy to identify different races (crimes are obscured as a result of interference by the Japanese name system, so the actual facts are not disseminated through media), but Koreans in Japan have similar skin, eye and hair colors and skeletal frames, so they cannot be distinguished. Although they have committed so many crimes from the past right up to the present day, on every occasion, they hide behind a shield of fine words such as "discrimination, human rights, equality, love and peace," and threaten Japan's officials and bureaucrats. They abuse privileges as they wish, and infiltrate into politics. North Korea carries out subversive activities in Japan in just such a fashion. Nowadays, whenever Japanese people who protest against crime and fraud by Koreans in Japan speak out, Koreans elaborately denounce it as "hate speech" in front of countries worldwide, even if their words and actions are not in the slightest extreme, thus suppressing free speech and putting democracy in danger. In fact, the ones who are actually making hate speeches and committing hate crimes are the North Koreans in Japan who demand privileges as is if they were a natural right, and the Chinese organizations that are closely related to such North Korean organizations. Their arrogant attitudes are too much to tolerate, quite in contrast to other foreigners who live peacefully among the Japanese. A discussion with regard to amendments to the Constitution is currently underway in Japan. For a long time, Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan has been an object of admiration throughout the world. However, this is an article which prevents Japan from becoming independent, and even in the event of a war, Japan is required to surrender without fighting. In the modern world, the Constitution effectively instructs Japan to serve as China's slave. The political parties wanting to retain this article are the Democratic Party, Japanese Communist Party, Social Democratic Party, etc. - political parties staffed with fake Japanese. They do not want Japan to be strong, smart or powerful, and they are dragging down Prime Minister Abe's efforts. There are even large numbers of pro-China/pro-North leftist fake Japanese in the Liberal Democratic Party, too, so constitutional amendment, which takes place as a matter of course in advanced countries, simply cannot happen here in Japan. Out of 193 countries worldwide, Japan is the only one that does not have an anti-espionage act, counterintelligence act, or conspiracy. Hopefully, you can start to see the extent to which fake Japanese occupy the highest echelons of authority in our political world. Furthermore, the issue with regard to pro-North leftist force is the same in South Korea. In South Korea, North Koreans posing as South Koreans occupy many seats, and the fact that the organizers of large-scale public demonstrations are radical pro-North Korea dissident forces is rarely communicated in Japanese media in the same way it goes unreported in South Korea. In the United States, it was alleged that the mastermind of the anti-Trump demonstrations was South Korean, but it is highly likely that North Korea was related. The people of the Unites States, Japan and South Korea are bombarded by North Korean influence and are falling for the devious traps they set. With regard to the history textbooks of South Korea, the person who is trying to stop the trend among current authorized textbooks of justifying North Korea is President Park Geun-hye. If a pro-North leftist government were to be born, the South Korea–United States alliance would dissolve and the U.S. forces would retreat, raising the possibility of the entire peninsula going under the influence of the Communist Party of China and the hereditary dictatorship of North Korea. These facts are not communicated through the media. Japan and the people of South Korea have fallen for the maneuvering of North Korea, and they do not know the true historical facts. In Japan, there is a union called the Japan Teacher's Union which is under the control of North Korea. The people are brainwashed with leftist ideology (antiwar, peace, human rights, discrimination, equality) and WGIP. The mood now is "don't see, hear or say anything," and there is an atmosphere of being in a closed off space in which even political discussions are prohibited. There are fewer and fewer Japanese people who can sense the danger, and people have become addicted to peace at any price. The Japanese government must shoulder a large portion of responsibility for having overlooked this issue up to now. Actually, China is the world's most prolific war crime country and the victims are not only those of Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. Why does the world not recognize that there has been over 100 million victims to date? Even today, they continue hunting for organs from living people. The "Short-hair Pig" of North Korea has not returned the victims of abductions that took place in Japan, and continues to grow fatter and fatter, enjoying a life of luxury while casting a scornful look at his own country's poor. There are suspicions that North Korea was involved in the Aum Shinrikyo incident that took place in Japan. People overseas do not know that in Japan, anti-emperor, anti-Japan Korean churches, and even UNICEF, are related to North Korea. Furthermore, isn't it a strange fact in itself that there exist dozens of North Korean terrorist organizations that have committed so many crimes in the country? Their true nature, though they shout about love of mankind, environmental conservation, anti-discrimination, pro-human rights, antiwar, peace and equality, is one of fake Japanese who are actually members of North Korean operative groups and organizations that may be closely related to China. These groups are involved in manipulating Japanese history with South Korea's pro-North leftist force and work in partnership with China in order to attach war criminal labels, in for example the manufacturing of established facts regarding comfort women and the Nanking issue, and by being anti-Koike metropolitan government, anti-Tokyo Olympics, anti-Japan-U.S. alliance, anti-summit, anti-national flag and anthem, anti-atomic power plant, anti-security bill, anti-constitutional amendment, anti-Japan textbook promotion, anti-police and self-defense force, anti-emperor and being involved in Okinawa base issues. They carry out street collections whenever natural disasters occur with the destination for the money unclear, and they deceive people with disabilities and the poor using the nice sounding language of communism to make money. These organizations are promoting the sabotage of Japan and turning Japan into a communist nation, and Japan is now in a state of emergency. Of course, there are many of these spies among the politicians of the Democratic Party, Japanese Communist Party, Social Democratic Party and Liberal Party. For the sake of the Japanese people, please recognize that they are always blocking bills that would be profitable to Japan. As the teachings of bushido put it, Japanese people value "righteousness, heroic courage, benevolence, respect, honesty and sincerity, honor, duty and loyalty." If there had only ever been pure Japanese people involved, the political system would have never have got so crazy. Wouldn't you agree? It is true that countries declare war and are the subject of such declarations. But even though Japan suffered atomic bombing, proper apologies were never made. Still, Japan has set that aside. (The historical facts about wars in which Japan is involved have been materially distorted and dramatized for Chinese and North Korean propaganda.) Japan has been striving for reconciliation without blaming any country, and beyond that, in the 21st century, it has been supporting countries across the world in order to establish amicable relations. Which are the countries that oppose this head-on, that aim to gain supremacy, and that plot to disrupt alliances? They are North Korea and China, without a doubt. I can no longer sit by and listen while Japan is constantly the sole object of blame!Don't feel at home with that Chinese spy Wendi Deng. Please be careful not to be deceived by North Korea, the next South Korean government, and China. When it comes to information warfare, Japan is way behind. I hope that you understand this inside information from Japan so that we may establish a more amicable relationship, and I kindly ask you to raise the voice of protest together with us, against any intention to degrade Japan.
【和訳】 親愛なるトランプ様へ。 はじめまして、次期大統領おめでとうございます。 これから友好関係を強固とするために今置かれている日本の危機に我慢がならない日本国民として知っていただきたい事実をお話します。 先日、カナダ・イスラエル協会がユネスコ世界遺産の登録申請している中国・韓国の市民団体に「文化大革命のほうが大虐殺であり、慰安婦問題も意見書は、ユネスコが一部加盟国の政治的道具になったとした上で「性奴隷」「慰安婦20万人」の主張は裏付けを欠くと指摘しました。 日本の外務省は隠蔽体質、ハニートラップの罠にまんまと引っかかり無能で腰抜け、情報戦が下手なので、今まで日本はありもしない戦争犯罪を作り上げられても韓国、中国、北朝鮮に対し、穏便に済ませようとない罪まで謝罪を繰り返してきましたが、これが真実を知っている先人達の怒りを買い、今まで大人しく黙っていた日本国民も、そろそろ我慢が限界に達しています。 トランプ大統領に続き、今後、欧州各国の大統領選が続き、極右政党の躍進に日本も注目しています。これは欧米・EU各国だけの問題だけでなく、日本も敗戦後、朝鮮半島から密入国した朝鮮人たちに土地を奪われ、騙され、傷つけられ、日本名を使い、なりすまし日本人として司法、自治体、教育、労働組合、企業、メディア、言論空間に深く浸透し、日本国民の生活、教育、司法はズタズタにされています。 欧米、欧州各国では顔つき、肌の色などに違いがあり、人種間の違いはすぐ見分けられるのですが(通名制度が邪魔をして犯罪がわかりにくくなっているため、メディアを通して実情が広く伝わらない)、日本にいる朝鮮人は肌の色、目の色、髪の色も骨格も似ているので区別がつかず、彼らの犯罪は過去から現在まで途方もない数々の事件を犯しているというのに事あるごとに「差別・人権・平等・愛・平和」などと耳障りのいいことを盾に日本の役人や官僚を脅し、特権を欲しいままにし、政治家などに潜り込み、それをいいことに北朝鮮が日本において破壊工作をしているのです。 昨今における在日韓国朝鮮人による犯罪や不正に抗議する日本国民が怒りを声に上げても過激ではない言動に対し、大袈裟に世界各国に「ヘイトスピーチ」と訴え続け、言論封殺を行っており、民主主義が破壊されようとしています。むしろ、ヘイトスピーチ、ヘイトクライムを行っているのは日本に居ながらにして当たり前のように特権を要求してくる北朝鮮人や、その組織と密接に絡む中国人組織です。それ以外の外国人の方々はおとなしく仲良く日本人と暮らされているにもかかわらず、彼らの横暴は目に余るものがあります。 今、日本では憲法改正の議論が行われています。 長年、日本の憲法9条というものが世界で神格化されていますが、これは日本の独立を阻止するもので、もし戦争が始まっても日本は一切抵抗せず降伏し、今でいえば中国の奴隷になれと言っているような憲法です。これを、なんとしてでも死守したいのが日本が強く、賢く、逞しくなってほしくない日本人なりすまし政党である民進党、共産党、社民党などであり、安倍首相の足を引っ張っているのです。自民党内にも、親中・従北左派勢力なりすまし日本人が多数いるので、憲法改正という先進国では当たり前のことが、ここ日本では全くできないのです。 スパイ防止法、防諜法、共謀罪も、世界193カ国中、ないのは日本だけで、いかに日本になりすまし日本人が政界の権力の中枢を占めているのかがお分かりいただけるかと思います。 しかもこの従北左派勢力は韓国も同様なのです。韓国にも北朝鮮人による、なりすまし韓国人が多数を占め、今問題化している大規模なデモを主催している勢力が過激な親北反体制派であることが日本のメディア同様ほとんど伝えられていません。 韓国国民も北朝鮮勢力に煽られ、工作の術中に嵌っているのです。 韓国の歴史教科書で北朝鮮を正当化するような現行の検定教科書の偏向を防ごうとしているのが朴 槿恵大統領で、親北左派政権が誕生し、韓米同盟が解消されて米軍が撤退し、半島全体が中国共産党と北朝鮮世襲独裁政権の影響下に入る可能性も出てきています。 これらの事実をメディアは言わないし、日本も韓国の国民も北朝鮮の工作にまんまとやられ、真実の史実を知らないのです。 日本では北朝鮮支配下の日教組というものがあり、国民は左翼思想(反戦平和・人権・差別・平等)やWGIPで洗脳され、何も見るな、聞くな、言うなという風潮になり、政治的な議論する事すら禁じられるような閉塞的な空気が漂い、危機を肌で感じられる日本人が少なくなり、平和ボケしているのです。 これまでの日本政府が見過ごしてきた責任は大きいものです。 実際に中国は世界一の戦争犯罪国家で犠牲者数は毛沢東の文化大革命だけに留まりません。現在まで1億人以上の犠牲者数が出ていることを、なぜ世界は言わないのでしょうか?今でも生きたままの臓器狩りを行っています。 北朝鮮の刈り上げ豚は、日本で起きた拉致被害者を帰さず、自国の貧困層を尻目に贅沢三昧、ブクブク太り続けています。日本で起きたオウム真理教事件についても北朝鮮の疑惑が噂されています。 日本において反天皇、反日の韓国系キリスト教会、ユニセフにまで北朝鮮の息がかかっていることを海外の方々はご存知ないのです。しかも、数々の犯罪を犯してきた北朝鮮のテロ組織が国内に何十カ所もあること自体がおかしくないでしょうか? 彼らの実態は、人類愛・環境保護・差別反対・人権擁護・反戦平和・平等を声高に叫んでいますが、韓国の親北左派勢力と日本の歴史を捻じ曲げ戦争犯罪人というレッテルを貼るために中国と連帯し慰安婦、南京問題の既成事実作り・反小池都政・反東京五輪・反日米同盟、反サミット・反国旗国歌・反原発・反安保法案・反憲法改正・反日教科書推進・反警察・自衛隊・反天皇・沖縄基地問題・災害が起きると使途不明な街頭募金をあちこちで展開、一部の障害者、貧困者を共産主義のきれいごとで食い物にし、逆に詐取する北朝鮮のなりすまし日本人の工作員団体であるということと、中国が密接に繋がっている可能性がある組織であり、これらが日本破壊工作、赤化を進めており、今、日本は非常に危ない事態となっています。 もちろん民主党、共産党、社民党、自由党の政治家の中にも、うようよとこの手のスパイがおり、日本人のため、日本の国益となる法案をいつも妨害していることに気づいてください。日本人は武士道の教えとして「義、勇、仁、礼、誠、名誉、忠義」を重んじる国柄です。純粋な日本人だけならば、ここまでおかしな政治体制になっていないのです。そう思いませんか? 戦争については各国がやったり、やられたりは事実ですが(日本の場合は中国・北朝鮮のプロパガンダにかなり脚色されていますが)そういったことを超えて21世紀は世界各国が友好的な関係を持つことを支持しています。それを真っ向から反対し、覇権を狙い、同盟国の分断を目論んでいるのは間違いなく北朝鮮と中国なのです。 ですから、絶対に北朝鮮・韓国の次期政権・中国に騙されないようにお気をつけください。中国人女スパイ、ウェンディ・デンにもお気をつけください。 日本は大幅に情報戦に遅れをとっています。どうかこの日本の内情を汲んでいただき、お互いがより良い関係を結び、日本を貶める勢力に対して抗議の声を共に上げていただけることを願います。 |
発言者 | 中谷良子 |
所属 | 大阪府大東市議選立候補者 |
所属団体 | 無所属 |
発言日時 | 2016/12/5 |
発言場所 | 中谷良子のブログ |
情報源 | 中谷良子のブログ ドナルド・トランプ氏にメッセージを送りました |
掲載日時 | 2016/12/5 |
掲載元URL | http://ameblo.jp/ryobalo/entry-12225933211.html |
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